Total - Versatile Plastic Statue | 3D Print

Versatile Plastic Statue

Height Stages - Collection 

Versatile Plastics are 3D Prints Sculptures, the Statue is colored Versatile, the Stage/Crow are Versatile & Sandstone 

Sculptures comes in Medium sizes, vary prices and colors. The Sculpture comes in Long, Short and Thin Stages.

All Stages, Statues and Crows can be also ordered separately, at the Spare Parts category.

It is possible to order a larger sculptures, for more information & special orders, Please contact Yacoaco.

Sculptures Heights : Long Stage, Statue and Crow combined are at maximum of 22cm ( 8.6").​​

                                      Short Stage, Statue and Crow combined are at maximum of 16cm ( 6.3").

                                      Thin Stage, Statue and Crow combined are at maximum of 13cm ( 5.0").

3D Print indoor sculptures by Shapeways - The Netherlands

Long Stages | Gallery Display

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Short Stages | Gallery Display

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Thin Stages | Gallery Display

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Computer Aided Design - By Yaco and Rotem Ben Yehoda , Assistance and Consulting